The project’s direct results relate directly to the Programme’s overall result indicator on “Population served by improved waste management” and are summariσed as follows:
a. Environmental Results,
Results: Better management of bio-wastes with actions that target directly about 18% of the residents but benefit the whole population of the combined area of the RU of Florina (3 municipalities, 51,831 residents) and Resen (1 municipality, 16,825 residents), specifically catering to the characteristics of rural, semi-rural and urban residents accordingly (more than 100 settlements, mostly rural and semi-rural).
Result Indicator: a. less waste going to landfilling. Current target rate is that 20% of the organic fraction of solid wastes will be diverted by 2018; b. A 20% increase in compost producing and better quality of them at both rural communities and at household and neighbourhood level in semi-rural and urban communities.
b. Capacity Building Results,
Results: a. The residents of the 4 municipalities located at the western end of the CBC Programme region have better access to information relating to the bio-wastes. b. local public officials have the opportunity to training to the better management of bio-wastes.
Results Indicators: Demonstrations of use of equipment for the management of bio-wastes for rural residents, open calls for home-composting bins to all residents, trainings for related municipal and other stakeholders.
c. Socio-economic Results,
Results: A unit in place for food waste prevention in collaboration with 33 restaurants will provide food for at least 36 households living in extreme poverty and assist to provide food in a further 80 households that are at-risk-of-poverty level.
Result Indicator: 116 households will benefit from better management of food waste.