Tender procurement of vehicle pickup 4X4_Municipality of Prespes
For the supply with title: “SUPPLY OF TWO NEW DOUBLE CABS (DOUBLE CAB) PICKUP 4X4 TRUCK” For the implementation of the approved project of the Municipality of Prespes: “Development of an Action Plan for the Management of Bio-wastes at the Cross-Border Region” with the acronym: ΄΄LESS WASTE II΄΄ with contract code SO-2.2- SC008, in the Interreg IPA CBC Program “Greece-Republic […]
Press-release for the placement of the brown bins in Municipality of Amyntaio
Following the action of distribution of the household biowaste bins, the Municipality of Amyntaio proceeded to the placement of the brown bins in the neighborhood where the citizens will be able to deposit the bags with their bio-waste (food waste). For the press-release, please click here
Press release for the distribution of the home composting bins in the Municipality of Prespes
DIADYMA SA in collaboration with the Municipality of Prespes, in the context of the implementation of the LESS WASTE II project, started yesterday the delivery actions of the home compost bins. The event was successfully held in the courtyard of the City Hall of Prespes, in the presence of the Mayor, Deputy Mayors, Presidents of Communities, executives of DIADYMA SA […]
Distribution of the home composting bins in the Municipality of Prespa
The Municipality of Prespa, in collaboration with DIADYMA SA, in the context of the implementation of the LESS WASTE II project, organizes on Tuesday, June 30, 2020 from 12:00 to 13:30, in the courtyard of the City Hall of Prespa, an event for the distribution of home composting bins as well as for detailed information on the composting process. For […]
Distribution of the household biowaste bins in the Municipality of Amyntaio
The LESS-WASTE-II project aiming to promote waste prevention through a more sustainable and efficient management of bio-degradable wastes, by targeting organic waste from rural and urban households, food waste from individual households and restaurants, and, green waste. In the framework of the main project’s goal, on June 18 and 19, 2020, Municipality of Amyntaio proceeded with the distribution of household […]
Συνοπτικός διαγωνισμός
Η Διαχείριση Απορριμμάτων Δυτικής Μακεδονίας Α.Ε. (ΔΙ.Α.ΔΥ.ΜΑ. Α.Ε.) προσκαλεί τους ενδιαφερόμενους προκειμένου να καταθέσουν προσφορές για τα παρακάτω: «Διανομή κάδων κομποστοποίησης, ενημέρωσης και αντιμετώπισης προβλημάτων από τη χρήση τους» στο πλαίσιο υλοποίησης του έργου με τίτλο «Development of an Action Plan for the Management of Bio-wastes at the cross- Border Region – LESS WASTE II» το οποίο χρηματοδοτείται από το […]
Green Shredder for green waste
On September 5th, 2019 2 shredders of green waste were received in order to cover the needs of “Less Waste II” and “Symbiosis” projects under the European Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation CCI Program 2014 TC 16 I5CB 009. For the shredders, a tender was held with the authorization (ΑΔΑ : ΨΥΡΓΟΞΦ4-ΣΔ3) and the closing date for the submission of […]
Press-Release for the 2nd Project meeting
The second meeting of the project “LESS WASTE – Development of an Action Plan for the Management of Bio-wastes at the Cross-Border Region”, organized by Municipality of Resen, was successfully completed in the framework of the cross-border cooperation program “Interreg IPA Cross-border cooperation program Greece – Republic of North Macedonia 2014-2020” on Tuesday 09/07/2019, at the Resen Municipality’s offices. Representatives […]
The questionnaire for the municipalities
DIADYMA prepared a suitable questionnaire to be shared within the residents of Florina, Amyntaio and Prespes through Municipalities for the collection of data on waste management.
Thematic map of bins in the regions of Florina, Amyntaio, Prespes
Within the actions of lead partner DIADYMA, the bins for Urban Solid Waste and Recyclable material of the Municipalities of Amyntaio, Florina and Prespes were identified, recorded and counted. A thematic map was created in which someone can see the bins that were captured in each region.